Antioxidants and free radicals: How Enemies Have Become Friends
Antioxidant means antioxygen. Our life is full of paradoxes: we cannot live without oxygen. But it is the oxygen that launches the oxidation processes, which leads to destroying cells and finally to aging and death. How Did the Standoff Begin? People have early detected that air has a destructive effect. At first, no one has…
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What Happens To Our Health When There Is Less Sunlight
You can be in love with summer and dislike autumn and winter. Or, it can be the opposite, and you may be impatiently waiting for the moment when the heat goes down, the colors become softer, and nature becomes more romantic. But whatever season you prefer, the fans of summer and winter are similarly defenseless…
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Why We Can’t Sleep Well and How to Change That
You count sheep in bed, wake up in the middle of the night, and can’t fall asleep again. In the morning, you wake up too early and you feel exhausted. All of these are symptoms of insomnia. According to the research data, 26% of elderly people are suffering from sleep disorders – “Prevalence of chronic insomnia…
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Chronobiology: Who Winds Up Your Body’s Clock?
In the year 2017, the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was granted to researchers Michael W. Young, Jeffrey C. Hall, and Michael Rosbash for the discovery of mechanisms controlling the circadian rhythms, i.e., our circadian clock. Circadian rhythms affect most of the processes in our body. The circadian rhythms determine many things, including the…
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Systematic Approach to Men’s Health
Irrespective of the part of the world they live in, men visit doctors less often and pay less attention to prevention according to the findings of WHO in 2019. This approach leads to sad consequences as, according to statistics, men live shorter lives than women. So, let’s find out which health aspects should be considered,…
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You Don’t Need it: How Extra Weight Affects Your Body
According to the WHO research, 39% of men and 40% of women have extra weight, and 13% are diagnosed with obesity. After 1975, the last figure has grown almost twice. Let’s see what is extra weight, what problems it can cause, and whether everyone can benefit from the principle of move more, eat less. How…
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