What Happens To Our Health When There Is Less Sunlight
You can be in love with summer and dislike autumn and winter. Or, it can be the opposite, and you may be impatiently waiting for the moment when the heat goes down, the colors become softer, and nature becomes more romantic. But whatever season you prefer, the fans of summer and winter are similarly defenseless…
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Serotonin and dopamine – what do we know about the happy hormones?
Every one of us has their very own, individual concept of happiness, and no one has come up with a universal definition for it. Yet, all of us are capable of intuitively experiencing it, distinguishing between being happy and unhappy. It is a common knowledge today that the feeling of happiness depends not only on…
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Why We Can’t Sleep Well and How to Change That
You count sheep in bed, wake up in the middle of the night, and can’t fall asleep again. In the morning, you wake up too early and you feel exhausted. All of these are symptoms of insomnia. According to the research data, 26% of elderly people are suffering from sleep disorders – “Prevalence of chronic insomnia…
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Digital Detox: How Harmful Gadgets Are for Our Health and Do We Need a Break?
Notebooks, smartphones, tablets…Every day we spend many hours looking at our screens. According to the calculations of Nielson Company in the report, titled “Americans Devote More Than 10 Hours a Day to Screen Time, and Growing”, an average adult American had spent 10 hours 39 minutes with electronic devices each day during 2016-2017, and there…
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How to Get Ready to Losing Weight In the Right Way?
It doesn’t really matter why someone may decide to lose weight: to take care of one’s health, following doctor’s recommendations,  out of a desire to engage in particular sports, or just because wishing to wear clothes of smaller size. What is important is to do it right and in a responsible way. The most popular…
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The Science of Sleep: How to Sleep Well
The argument about the quantity and quality of sleep for adults is never-ending. Should you go to bed before dark? Does a mid-day nap has a positive or negative effect on your personal effectiveness? Why you can feel tired even after eight-hour sleep? Let’s dig into the question of what is quality sleep and how…
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