Men’s Health: How to Live Longer and Happier
Every year different researches demonstrate the same trend: no matter what is the continent, the economic development of the country of residence, cultural trends, and religious aspects, men consistently live less than women. Sadly, the experts are more and more convinced that the leading causes of lower life expectancy are carelessness about health, reluctance to…
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Losing Weight in a Healthy Way: How to Avoid Vitamin Deficiency
Vitamins and minerals are essential for the normal and active functioning of our body. These are the organic compounds as well as microelements, indispensable amino acids, and fats, which, to a greater or lesser degree, regulate practically all processes in our body, from metabolism and producing hormones to forming tissues and generating energy. Most of…
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How to Get Ready to Losing Weight In the Right Way?
It doesn’t really matter why someone may decide to lose weight: to take care of one’s health, following doctor’s recommendations,  out of a desire to engage in particular sports, or just because wishing to wear clothes of smaller size. What is important is to do it right and in a responsible way. The most popular…
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Do I need to abstain from sugar full time? What if I eat only in the morning and afternoon? Does “detoxification” help lose weight? Let’s turn to science and figure out together what is a myth and what is truth. Cutting out certain products Meat, milk, butter and those treacherous desserts — a great deal…
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Chronobiology: Who Winds Up Your Body’s Clock?
In the year 2017, the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was granted to researchers Michael W. Young, Jeffrey C. Hall, and Michael Rosbash for the discovery of mechanisms controlling the circadian rhythms, i.e., our circadian clock. Circadian rhythms affect most of the processes in our body. The circadian rhythms determine many things, including the…
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Systematic Approach to Men’s Health
Irrespective of the part of the world they live in, men visit doctors less often and pay less attention to prevention according to the findings of WHO in 2019. This approach leads to sad consequences as, according to statistics, men live shorter lives than women. So, let’s find out which health aspects should be considered,…
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